40 Python One-Liners You Must Try

Neuro Bytes
3 min read1 day ago
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Why Code More, When You Can Do It In One Line ??

Python is renowned for its readability and simplicity, but did you know it also has ton of for clever one-liners?

a one-liner is a single line of code that you can use to achieve something COOL!

If you’re automating tasks, analyzing data, or just showing off your coding skills, these 40 one-liners will make you appreciate Python, Shall we?

1. Reverse a String

print("hello world"[::-1])

2. Check if a Number is Even

print(42 % 2 == 0)

3. Swap Two Variables

a, b = b, a

4. Find Factorial of a Number

import math; print(math.factorial(5))

5. Check if a String is a Palindrome

print(s == s[::-1])

6. List Comprehension for Squares

print([x**2 for x in range(10)])

7. Flatten a Nested List

print([item for sublist in [[1,2], [3,4]] for item in sublist])



Neuro Bytes
Neuro Bytes

Written by Neuro Bytes

Azure Cloud Engineer 📊 | Machine Learning enthusiast 🤖 | Python 🐍📈 | SQL | PLSQL #DataScience #DevOps

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